8 Helpful Roulette Tips That Will Help You Win

Roulette Tips

Roulette tips? Isn't roulette just a game of chance where you have to be lucky to win? It's probably not headline news when I tell you that roulette is a game of chance. Now it often strikes me that so many people make such simple mistakes. Mistakes that you can fix in a moment and not give the online casino any more advantage than it already has.

I've been playing roulette for years and I'd like to share this “knowledge” or – more accurately – experience with you. Since I'm not going to burden you with a whole book, I've written down the 8 most important roulette tips for you.

These are roulette tips that I think you should apply anyway. I don't care by the way, it's just stupid to put yourself at a disadvantage. Just my two cents…

1. The only (live) roulette bonuses that work

If you play online roulette you know that most casino bonuses are completely useless. You're dealing with wagering requirements that don't include roulette games. We've scoured the internet and found all the bonuses that benefit you as a roulette player.

Be smart: read the rules below and enjoy all the benefits.

2. Play French Roulette La Partage

I think it's very bad that there are people who play European roulette or – even worse – American roulette. If you don't play French roulette La Partage you are a thief of your own wallet. You are literally giving the casino a BIGger house edge than it needs. Below is a brief explanation of the three most commonly played roulette variations:

American Roulette French Roulette
American Roulette / French Roulette

American Roulette

American roulette is the biggest screw-up of all the roulette variants. You might be wondering why? Well, quite simply:

In American roulette, they have an extra number in the wheel, namely the 00 (double zero). Thereby the payouts in case of winning are the same as in European roulette and French roulette. Only because of the (idiotic) double zero the chances are SMALLER that the number/color/description you bet on will come up.

The double zero gives the casino a 5.26% advantage in American Roulette, which is not ideal for us.

European Roulette

Then there is European roulette, which is widely played in land-based casinos across Europe. European roulette is actually the most well-known and (hopefully) played by everyone.

The casino has a 2.7% advantage in European roulette. This is starting to look more like it BUT there is more to it!

French Roulette

French Roulette can ONLY be played online and not all online casinos offer the REAL French Roulette.

I've noticed that when you search the internet for French roulette, you literally see something different written everywhere and therefore it's hard to make sense of it. Therefore, I want to clear it up now.

French roulette is exactly the same as European roulette except that the La Partage rule applies. The La Partage rule means that if zero (green) falls and you have bet on an out-side bet – out-side bet is betting on red/black, 1-18/19-36 or even/even – then you get half of your bet back!

The casino has a 1.35% advantage in French roulette. This is the lowest house edge possible: So always play French roulette!

“Good roulette tip! But where can you play French roulette with the La Partage rule?”

It's actually too bizarre for words but there are many online casinos where they supposedly offer French Roulette WITHOUT THE LA PARTAGE rule. This is just European roulette only with a French roulette table… Anyway, what's perhaps even sadder is that there is currently only 1 casino where you can play “real” French roulette and that's…

To indicate the “seriousness of the matter”, let me give you this: even if you don't do anything with the rest of the roulette tips, as long as you play roulette la partage, at least you'll give yourself enough chance to win!

3. Get comfortable with the roulette game and your bets

Of course it's nice that French roulette gives you the highest winning chances… But of course it's also handy if you know the roulette game.

This sounds very childish but I am amazed at how often I see people gamble large sums of money without knowing what they are doing… then get super annoyed and angry when they have lost their money. PREVENT THIS!

Roulette tips are useless if you don't know the rules of the game

Learn the game, know the payouts, know the different types of bets, test out the neighbor game et voila. These are not mathematical formulas.

If you're smart, look at the roulette games page. There you'll find all the payouts, bet types and can play roulette for free. Now you have no more excuses not to get comfortable with roulette!

4. Set both a win and loss limit

Now that you know how to play roulette, what to play (If you've already forgotten this see roulette tips 1) and where to play French roulette. It's time to set a win/loss limit.

Often everyone knows how much money he or she can lose, but I would also like to emphasize that you should never gamble with money you can't afford to lose. Just don't.

Set a Win Limit

What nobody really does is set a win limit. The fact is that nobody gets tired of winning but it's impossible to have an unlimited number of wins. Suppose you gamble with C$100, then that's your losing limit.

How much money do you want to win with that, or rather, do you think is realistic to win? Personally, for our example of C$100, I would set a win limit of C$300 and (you often feel this) if you have few setbacks, you can even raise it to C$500.

There are no hard-and-fast formulas or facts about what works. You have to see this, if at any time you see that you: win – lose – win – lose. This is often a sign that your luck has run out and you need to cash out or continue gambling another time.

Pro tip: NetEnt roulette allows you to set a ‘Reality Check'.

Setting a limit and sticking to it remains tricky. If you play live roulette from NetEnt you have the advantage that you can set a ‘reality check'. After 15 – 60 minutes you get a notification that your time is up. A good time to take stock: how much did you win or lose and is it time to stop?

By the way: if you are a big roulette player – one who wants to bet more than C$10,000 per round – NetEnt Live Roulette Pro is your game. Most roulette games have a table limit of C$10,000 per round.

NetEnt Live Roulette Pro is the exception to the rule, this roulette game is the only one with a maximum bet of C$100,000 per round. Choose a Netent casino to play this game.

5. Don't mess around, play with a roulette strategy

As I've said before, I see plenty of people just playing around. Especially at the Holland casino, you'll see many players just drop some coins somewhere or press a screen like a moron and expect to win.

“Perhaps the best roulette tip: Use a roulette strategy

There is no such thing as a 100%-always-winning-super-awesome roulette strategy.

But screwing yourself by making contradictory roulette bets won't give you a higher chance of winning. The roulette strategy page lists several strategies that can help you towards a nice win.

6. Bet more when you win

I find it strange that many people increase or double their bets when they are losing. A popular strategy that is all over the Internet is the martingale or doubling strategy.

This strategy means that if you lose, you double your bet until you win. Unfortunately this doesn't work, every casino has a table limit and that limit is reached very quickly when doubling your bet, so you lose a lot of money by hardly winning anything, so DON'T DO IT!

Play attacking roulette, play to win

What you DO need to do is bet more when you win. Experience shows that if you win, you win several times in a row. Besides, you play roulette to win, right? At least I do! The more you bet the more you can win.

So if you're on a winning streak (winning more times in a row) you should make the most of it by increasing your bet. This is the only way to reach your win limit (see roulette tip 3) and cash out your winnings.

So remember, play to win… not to lose!

7. Roulette is a mind game and requires discipline

One of the hardest parts of roulette is the mental part. When you're winning, it's very easy. Unfortunately, you will experience moments when you lose and they are – to put it bluntly – KUT.

Promise me and much more importantly promise yourself that you will not hit TILT. Continue to have faith in your strategy. You know the age-old saying, “After rain comes sunshine”.

Don't Hit TILT

If things go wrong, keep a cool head and play again tomorrow if necessary. To throw in another saying, “New day, new opportunities!”

Don't be an idiot by suddenly putting all your money on one round or even worse, all your money on 1 number and hope it falls on that one. Keep using your common sense…. That's the key -one of the most important roulette tip- to winning at roulette.

8. Did your lucky number just fall? Don't worry!

A roulette wheel is not a living being with a memory. The chances of your favorite number falling again the next round remain just as high. In fact, in the image above you can see that number 19 has fallen 7 times in a row.

There are several online roulette tips circulating on the Internet that are based on how many times a number has been dropped. Now those tips can be taken with a grain (or a lot) of salt. Just pick your own numbers and keep betting on them.